
  >>>>>Грамматика >>>>>Personal Pronouns

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Here belong I,HE,SHE, It, We, You, They . They have a single purely grammatical category-that of case. The cases are nominative and objective. Personal pronouns are used as noun-pronouns.

In predicative function the objective case forms are preferable. For example: ”But I’m not him”.

Nominative case forms are normally used in complex sentences in which these forms are followed by attributive clause. For example: “For once it was she who lowered her eyes.” But the objective case forms are possible here too. For example: “This time it was her who lowered the eyes.”


Two more tendencies are observed in present-day English:

The use of the objective case form in the function of subject, especially colloquially. For example: ”Me and the old man haven’t talked like this for a long time"

The use of the nominative case forms in the function of a homogeneous object. For example: He gave it to my brother and I"


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